Interesting English facts

Interesting English facts

Hello, today we are gonna understand what are  " Interesting English facts" English
Well actually English is an British language and the real meaning of English is angla language it means Britishers language and English is art of speaking after learning it when you complete your learning so the style of speaking what you get it's it's yours English
So the next thing is there some very important things in English language first is words & second is tenses & noun lessons & modal and passive voice & little a bit English grammar there some helping verbs what is same in above points like :-(is am are was ware has have had )which often confuse you everywhere while learning English from any educational system

But I promise you
If you read my each post star to end continuously

So you would be perfect In 6 month if you compare to  your first day reading

So make sure you would come again and you will definitely read here

basic english grammer

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